Thursday, October 2, 2008

Predictions for the East

Im a sure that the addition of Brand will make the sixers a force in the east. Iggy gives them the player maker and Andre Miller will give a crack load of assists. As will Dalembert get a lot of blocks. BUT problem 1), they will need time to adjust to their teammates as well as the up and down nature of the east where every games is NOT a playoff game (Miami, Charlotte, Indiana, Chicago, New York) and with these ups and downs, i think the sixers may have a few nights where they get caught and not score enough points to put these teams away.

This is my team from back in the day, and i know one thing the Pistons are is consistant. The will beat the teams they should beat, win at home and challenge the better teams of the league. But all things considered, their back court is getting old. Injuries will cost this team more than anything else. But i wouldnt want to play the pistons until the conference finals. I got my eye on you stuckey.

There is no way in the world that boston can have the best record int he leauge again without a major addition to the team. They need some youth and bounce in that starting line up. People dont miss dunks, and besides KG, there is a pitifully small amount of them with this team. They got Rondo, and he will ball, but I think that Paul Pierce will kill this team with a selection of bad shots. Those bad years in boston taught him to be more like antwan walker and less like tayshaun prince. All of this said, the Celtics CAN repeat, but the will need a second effiencent scorer and my feeling is that that second scorer goes by the name R*O*N*D*O

This only makes since. The NBA is still a young mans game. The grind of 82 games is eaiser for a man (especially alien supermen from other planets) of 23 to handle it than for men of 32 to. Simply put, putting Moe Williams on this team is unfair. When this team gets it going, i would not be surprised if they have a 100 point game with less than 10 turnovers. Moe Williams' Assist TO ration is going to be crazy. And they will find a way to get stone hands 8 points a game. The Cavs are for real this year.

1 comment:

ShiffD said...

East predictions.... I have to disagree.

Boston, Phili, Orlando, Cleveland

Boston- Will not be better than they were last year, but they will take advantage of a few situations. Ray Allen will be their when necessary. KG will be a new kind of beast with a ring. Peirce will win a few games singlehandedly like usual. Rondo will be improved.

Phili- Brand is the only real new guy there. Iggy, Miller, Dalembert and the young guys were all their last year, they will be the quicker than Cleveland to get their offense figured out. Brand is a professional, and the 2nd best PF in the east. Nobody will give Phili trouble on the front line except Boston, hence the 1-2 positioning here.

Orlando- This is a good team, but they are missing something. Turkeyglue will continue to play pointguard and they'll lose in the playoffs to a team with a real PG.

Cleveland- Will be slow to adjust and their bigs will get beat up all year by the three teams I put ahead of them. The west will do similar things to them. I expect them to go far in the post-season when it is LBJ time.

For late entries I expect Wade to make the playoffs, I mean Miami.